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internal treatment中文是什么意思

用"internal treatment"造句"internal treatment"怎么读"internal treatment" in a sentence


  • 内部处理
  • 内处理法
  • 内治法


  • In addition , the internal treatment is not recommended for people with acid deficiency anemia , as the calcium ion will easily interact with iron ion , and the absorption of iron ion will be impacted
  • Effect of internal treatment of pearl powder : adjusting incretion , improving metabolism , establishing internal balance , nurture the skin , helping sleep , lowering inside fire , eliminating wrinkle and spot ( for example , yellow - brown spots )
    珍珠粉内服功效:调节内分泌、促进新陈代谢、营造体内平衡环境,养颜嫩肤,清火去痘,助睡安眠,祛皱除斑(如黄褐斑等) 。
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